About me & my Work

Helping you feel better about your body and your life

As a coach, I put the power back in YOUR hands.

…and that’s exactly what I will do with you!

Health is more than wealth. A strong and healthy body translates to a fuller, happier life. There are interesting things that happen to your body once you start to work with it..How long does it take to see results when you start eating healthy? While some benefits take longer to appear, you’ll notice certain benefits almost immediately! Make sure you monitor your progress to stay motivated.

I believe that we are a combination of the things we eat and the way we treat ourselves…

You will experience a higher level of mental focus and clarity. Meals high in sugar, saturated oils, and starch bring about immediate sleepiness, sluggishness, and bloated feeling. All you ever want to do after a big Mexican meal is go home and sleep. By switching to healthy food choices, you will have all the energy needed to accomplish many other things for the rest of the day!

Through my programs, I give women super-practical, actionable guidance so they can feel great, take care of their bodies, and actually enjoy the process.

Dr Janet Blair

Health Coach

An Overall Holistic Approach requires a plan…

so you will need to work together and tackle what comes! Let's meet and discuss what's next ...

Dr Janet Blair

Health Coach

Naomi Soko

Welcome my body back!

Rose Stewart

I've been there...

Get a full body MOT!

Let us help you figure out what your unique self needs to feel good and thrive